rael persone
2 min readMay 26, 2024


#6 We shouldn’t have a white or male president for the next 250 years to make up for the fact that all our presidents have been white and male so far.

Apparently you believe two wrongs make a right (#6).

I don't.

I like being an old white man. If I was an old non-white woman, I'd like that too. My identity is not centered in my gender or skin color. Or my ethnicity, religion, or nationality, or anything of the sort.

I like being me because of how I interact with other human beings, other animals, and the world itself. And because of how others, especially dogs, interact with me. I'm curious and I have a decent sense of humor. I'm pretty boring but sometimes I'm fun.

And, unfortunately, I've done more than my share of things I'm not proud of. I've gotten help that I didn't deserve. I now try to help others -- deserving or not. All these things are much more central to how I see myself.

And I'm not easily offended. I'm in poor health but I'm grateful for too many things to mention. I have a wonderful wife and a wonderful daughter and I wish them all the success in the world.

But I wish the same for everyone, regardless of the color of their skin or their gender.

Voting for a President because of her gender and skin color is not progress: it's making the same mistake in a different manner. You may not have meant this particular item seriously, but, regardless, it's non-controversially offensive.

You don't get back at old white men by punishing young white men. Or even white men not yet conceived!

You don't get back at all: you move forward. You remind me of family members who can't let go of their anger and hate. They remember every time someone did something to them that they perceived as ill intended.

You don't fix things by reversing racism and sexism. You fix things by eliminating racism and sexism.

BTW, I'm not only old, ill, white, and, male, but I'm not wealthy or tall. My one and only wife (since 33 years ago today) is 3.5 inches taller than me without heels, and 6 or 7 inches taller than me with them. I look up to her in many ways. I really don't care that you prefer to date taller men. I preferred to marry a taller woman. So what? She loves me and I her.

Are you familiar with the concept of love? I can't tell.



rael persone

Resident of Santa Fe, NM. An enlightened (I hope) technophile.