rael persone
3 min readJun 21, 2024


Everything you write may be true, but lacks balance. It conforms closely to how Democrats and the Left perceive the world, but it does so by ignoring critical pieces of reality which may outweigh every consideration you have put forth.

Simply put, Democrats and the Left abandoned notions of economic fairness and justice in favor of a pure "identity-driven" politics which betrayed workers and rural dwellers.

[1] Obama got working class and rural votes when he pretended to care for them. During his first term he adequately represented their interests through the ACA and received their votes for a second term. However, his second term betrayed those interests. His overwhelming second term priority was the TPP, which would have been a disaster for workers and rural dwellers. They weren't stupid. They knew it and voted against a "third Obama term."

[2] Hillary Clinton exacerbated the betrayal of workers and rural dwellers. She followed Schumer's advice to throw workers under the bus in favor of attracting suburban Republicans. Although she claimed to oppose the TPP, everyone recognized her hypocrisy.

(Trump won because of his sincere opposition to the TPP. Incidentally, if you study the matter carefully, it is hard to escape the conclusion that the TPP was a full out assault on de facto democratic control of the judicial system. IOW, Trump's first act as President was to save democracy. His subsequent behavior has not been so laudable.)

Clinton promoted an identity-politics agenda which involved creating a coalition of women, gays, trans, POC, minorities, etc. It explicitly rejected including white males. Needless to say, white males didn't go for it. They still don't. Clinton lost the white women's vote because she failed to understand that most women have men in their lives whom they love, including sons, brothers, husbands, and fathers. Clinton unfortunately had no sons, had a husband who betrayed her, a father who abused her, and brothers who were grifters. Her ill feelings toward men are thus fully understandable. Clinton's characterization of her opponents as deplorables, which you continue here, has not been forgotten, because it has not been retracted. Those deplorables -- i.e., workers and rural dwellers -- voted for a Black man when it was in their perceived best interests. They were responsible voters. They won't vote for a party which essentially rejects their right to exist.

[3] The Left characterizes workers and rural dwellers as uneducated and out of sync with economic realities. It is a biased view and neglects the fact that our economic policies are built to favor the Left. We see all sorts of "supply-side" shortages, in part because, we have neglected domestic manufacturing. The advent of AI will mainly affect info workers, and not skilled plumbers, electricians, machinists, etc. Will our economic policies rescue info workers or will they abandon those workers as they did the working class? I know what rural dwellers and working class people predict.

I still plan to vote for Biden, even though his record is mostly terrible. Biden is merely corruption as usual. whereas Trump is an existential threat to US democracy.

However, Trump is a threat created by Democrats. Bill Clinton persuaded Trump to run for President because he thought Trump would be the easiest Republican candidate for Hillary to defeat. The Democratic party demonstrably rigged and ignored its primaries in order to nominate first Clinton and then Biden over Sanders. That's because their donors -- not their voters -- were more terrified of Sanders than Trump.

Democrats could win easily if they would simply prioritize economic fairness and justice. However, that would mean opposing their donors. It likely won't happen.



rael persone

Resident of Santa Fe, NM. An enlightened (I hope) technophile.